Tuesday, December 16, 2008

this is for MY future?

saya nak buat masscom.
mak saya kate,not masscom pls stop asking me.i am not going to tolerate if all my children do masscom.
saya tak puas hati sebab tak munasabah tanak bagi sebab abang abang saya buat masscom.kenapa kena saya yang menjadi harapan mak saya,saya buat alevels untuk dia tapi nampak sgt saya takboleh handle sebab result macam lahanat.dia boleh cakap saya tak try,kalau saya tak try class pon saya tak pegi.takde masa saya tengok muka lecturer cilanat setiap hari selamat 17 bulan yang asik maki saya bodoh.

do something professional.ok,that really means you are going to decide MY future.MY life,tapi dia mak saya,dia sacrifice nak seribu satu untuk saya dan abang abang.i guess its my turn,but it feels like segala hutang untuk segala yang pernah mak buat untuk kami.saya yang kena bayar.

ok fine,but how long am i supposed to think about my mom and not about me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're not alone. i think it is somehow one of the disadvantages of being the only girl. we thought that if we're the only girl, we get more attention from the mom but it is not true though, instead they ask us to do things that they want.

