Wednesday, December 31, 2008

the long end of 08 list.

paling random;hai kira!yes kira,im talking about you.alaik la you nyanyi:):)

it is the 31st of December today.mcm tak pecaya,2008 dah habis.taktau lah nak cakap it was a good year or not.i personally think its just wrong to not be thankful for your year and i think you should always be thankful for everything no matter what.segalanya dalam hidup awak yang megah dihiasi rumah besar,pakaian2 berjenama dari louis vitan dan salviator ascalator,berkereta mini koopi boleh hilang dalam sekelip mata.and i really mean sekelip,try kelip sekarang the next kelip entah ape yang dah,bersyukurlah.

tahun ini,saya banyak belajar.bukan belajar dari buku.itu setiap tahun tak tercapai lah impian nak belajar pandai dalam class.and this is my year end conclusions/pelajarans.

1.terlalu ramai pemandu gila di jalan raya,termasuk boyfriend saya dan farid.

2.expect,the unexpected.kalau awak bilang taknak,dalam 2 minggu ada kemungkinan besar awak kate nak.

3.sometimes,because we adore something too much.we end up hating it the most.

4.people change termasuk diri sendiri,tanpa disedari kita pon berubah.bila dah sedar sebab orang cakap dah takde guna nak berubah balik.cut the whole keep being yourself note.sometimes,changes are gooood!

5.some friends,as much as you want them to be.are not forever.STOP dreaming

6.nasi lemak antarabangsa is my ultimate favourite for now.

7.and bubur ss2,walaupun hayat benci sgt.shareen pls marah dia mcm yang tak cuba tak tahu laa!

8.i met some awesome people.and some so darn stupid i dont understand ape masalah. mama and ayah are still the awesomest.tapi,kalau boleh balik lambat lagi awesome. abangs love me:) so much.eheheh

11.i have never been inlove like this.nop,j pon kalah.i love u baby.

12.i know there is always nothing for me to be worried about,but i am very insecure.

13.i need to go back to ns and loose 10 kgs again.pls la

14.saya kuat kutuk orang.terutama sekali tentang penggunaan bahasa inggeris dan gaya pesen tak berjaya mereka.saya mintak maaf,banyak kali dah cuba berenti.kalau ada pusat serenti,boleh lah rekemen eh.

15.the one thing in 08 i regret is not telling my mom how miserable i was in my course.

16.i love event much

i will sambung this post with random favourite pictures of 08 but maybe esok.ubat batuk kicking in,sleeeeep

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