Friday, October 2, 2009

an observation in season.

i've just observed something.
i am ofcourse greatful that my friends are home,ilah hayat shareen que haider.haha
happy sangat,but sedih lah that felt so sekejap and my babies aud and whit are leaving real soon:(:(:(

ok not the point,
mengikut observation i,and im just talking in general tak ada kena mengena dengan sapa sapa
well ada lah,sebab kalau takde macam mane i observe kan?

we go crazy when our friends come home from uk/us/australia and mane mane lagi la
kalau boleh nak jumpa hari hari till that person has to leave again.
but,we don't really care to jumpa those yang berada di sini with us jugak dengan alasan,hari hari boleh jumpa.
okay hari hari boleh jumpa,tapi dah setahun tak jumpa and kita akan jumpa bila kawan kita yang dari uk/us/australia/mane mane yang lain tu balik saje.lepas tu,akan cakap bila bila pun boleh jumpa,ill call you when im free.pejam celik,saya dah tak jumpa awak lapan bulan which is when dia dari us/uk/australia/mane mane lain tu akan balik again.padahal,i think it's important to keep those close ones real close before you realise you lost them.

serious ni observation je okay.tak tertakluk kepada sesiapa,because tah i feel like im like that too but i swear im not the only one.but it might just be me salah tafsir observasi ini.

so maybe i should go away,maybe then orang akan pusu pusu nak jumpa i.*pandang bawah sedih*hahahaha just here for good,hopefully.

1 comment:

sasarah said...

i like this shit! hahaha good observasi